At the end of a busy month for CIBSE, President David Fisk asks if we are out of recession and if BIM is destined to be yet another government IT disaster.
October is the month
for everything…
October is a big month in the Presidential Calendar: joining
ASHRAE and IMechE for Graduate
of the Year Competition, opening the CIBSE Conference
at Olympia, hosting the President’s Awards Dinner, dropping in on the Worshipful Company of Fan
makers (as you do) and attending the Construction Industry
Council. Meanwhile both my first and second year Masters students
arrived on campus to systems engineer. Prestidigitation
became Presidigitation.
Thank heavens for
Construction Advisers
Conference opened alongside the Building Services exhibition on a
bright autumn morning at Olympia. After a quick ‘let’s keep it simple’ from yours truly, Paul Morrell, the outgoing Government
Construction Adviser gave us his wise 40Mb PowerPoint take on the industry. CIBSE
gave him an Armada Cup at my Awards Dinner a little later in the week at the
Royal Society. In years of turmoil when Parliament often seemed little more
than a rehearsal for the next episode of the BBC’s ‘The Thick of It’, his steady keel was invaluable.
From reports, the conference and the exhibition seemed to go
very well. The Awards Dinner similarly was a great evening. It is hard not to
conclude that if only the Press and Parliament didn’t keep banging on about
austerity and quietly sorted the retail banks rather than creating harebrained
schemes for recovery, we’d just get on with normal business. It wouldn’t be a
good year but it would be a year. As it is Travis Perkins must be clean out of
Mind you, the Daily Express (I get it for my 90 year old neighbour,
you understand) declared last Saturday that the UK was out of recession. So we
are sorted. On autopilot apparently.
BIM mania
This was my first Construction Industry Council. I had imagined
it would have been like an episode of BBC’s Merlin, with us all sitting round a vast Round Table sounding like One
Voice. Actually seated in ranks, it was more like an episode of The Choir. Neither
chair nor vice chair made the meeting and we ended up with PowerPoint
presentations from Government’s incoming and outgoing Construction Advisers,
the Cabinet Office and CIC’s ‘BIM Ambassador for Growth’.
My own take on BIM is that it is following a well tried
recipe for public sector IT disaster. (Grief I can hear the special forces in Minority
Report being dispatched to SW7 as I type…) It is just that
Government’s track record over the last 15 years in getting anything right in
big information systems is zero. Literally. We analyse two expensive screw ups
on my systems Masters course, but we had plenty to choose from, since the
scenario is the same every time.
It starts with a single client problem (it might be being
rescued from a fire or winning a battle - the objective is clear) that needs
more than one party to contribute but where the client is not strong enough to
get things in order. Unfortunately all kinds of issues get in the way of
spontaneous co-operation of players from fees structures, through hubris to
class warfare.
The second step in the scenario is a proffered solution.
Someone suggests a framework of communication that will do the co-operation for
you. It is only too easy not to co-operate when you cannot communicate. So far
so good. The Fire and Ambulance Services needed a better comms system for rescues
(especially near county borders!), the Army needed a way to bring in air
support. But then the IT industry arrives.
When CIBSE created the Knowledge Portal we engineered
something deliberately simple, that worked first time and has serviced members
well. You can easily imagine the enormity of ‘Knowledge Management Software’ we
could have wasted Members subscriptions buying, that would never have fulfilled
its promise. Unfortunately it seems that kind of discipline of managing risk
never holds when Government is around. Indeed the IT industry is rather good at
creating in Whitehall a feeling of techno-fashion victim to sell its next
gimmick. Just suppose, purely hypothetically, that a ‘basic BIM’ was the
correct Cabinet Office client solution. How could it have held that position
for more than five minutes against the IT giants’ propaganda? Indeed the
Secretary of State for Education’s recent speech at Polititea this October suggested such wise caution would have been
an example of being ‘risk averse’. OK we have to make allowances that his only
real world experience has been as a journalist not as an engineer. But the
consequence of all this is that if you Google BIM you might suspect the ‘M’
stands for ‘mania’. I’m beginning to fear that having
singlehandedly killed off green-wash merchants, I had inadvertently
just moved the wash somewhere else. As someone said at the CIC, we’ll soon have
BIM for light bulbs.
The next step in the well tried scenario is that attempts to
rub down some of the rough edges that originally got in the way of co-operation
fail. This is in small part because the IT industry offers an easy way out every
time by promising an inclusive all singing and dancing solution that embraces
everybody’s idiosyncrasies. They just have not actually developed it yet. IT
firms don’t talk about a ‘systems architect’
for nothing! The software saga carries on until that magic point is reached
when each software workaround and patch creates as many new problems as it has
just solved…
But instead…
Wise heads in building services have been at great pains to
emphasise that the basic BIM principle is about the data drops at the newly refreshed
stages of work. What you drop this data into is a second order issue, not
first. If the data is in good order then the infamous service clashes get
ironed out before the industry
arrives on site. Brilliant. But hasn’t the IT gone haring off in other
directions altogether? You can find 9-D BIM if you want to look for it. Who
actually is doing the good system engineering to restrain it from clocking up
12-D and counting?
I often hear people say that Information Models have been
used in other industries for ages so we shouldn’t be so Luddite. No one is
being Luddite, it is just a matter of getting it right. What is forgotten is
that (at least of late) we do not design and construct buildings in the way you
would an aeroplane or a rocket. In the latter the whole system requirement is
continually broken down into subsystems and sub-sub-systems. It is then
assembled from the bottom up with each assembled ‘level’ tested for performance
against the corresponding subsystem expectation. The point is that when a
subsystem fails its test, the designers have a problem to solve that is quarantined
from the rest of the system performance. We might be able to design complex
buildings that way, but we don’t. So when some part of the information base
signifies a failure, it is not always obvious how much of this leviathan needs
to be unpicked to fix it. The point of an information system design is not how
it works when the sun shines, but how it helps when things start to go wrong. That
is why good realistic engineering should probably hold back from creating
leviathans and go for the lower hanging fruit.
Information Models can
even be a distraction
The Apollo
13 disaster and the delay
of the Airbus A380 were both traceable to Information Model failures,
so it is not that others are cleverer. It is just that the systems problem is
hard. Getting rid of service clash and creating a macroscopic account of
progress, squeezes an awful lot of the juice out of the BIM model advantages. It
is what happens on big jobs now. Isn’t going further to n-D just printing money for IT firms? If the Information Model
supports a production line of widgets (if a Boeing Skyliner is a widget) then
there might be some point in it serving as the repository of what’s inside all
the boxes. But with a building we have the
building. It is where the walls actually are, not where the information model
says they should be.
Ends not means
We were draining this particular swamp, if you remember the
alligator joke, because clients, including Government, are aware
that UK construction is costing more than it should. We in turn are conscious
that we are building less than we might because clients are wary of perceived
risk of entering into a major construction project. Increasing the GDP contribution
from IT expenditure was neither here nor there. If the Government client wants
to discover this elusive ‘20% acquisition cost’ reduction, we shouldn’t forget to
look at other issues like the visceral tendering process at the same time.
Most times contractors rely on the variations from bad
drawings to recover their profit from the suicidal tender prices. If BIM was
got to work but that brain dead tendering was not fixed, the client would hit a
new problem. If the Stage E Drawings really were all bug free, the only
contractors who would bid would be the ones who did not understand what they
were bidding for! So what about some Integrated Design in the mix, with those
who know how to build having an input into what goes into the drawing? Or is
that only in California?
So, no argument with BIM from your President, but please as
a central co-ordinating principle not a means to no end that diverts attention
from other equally open wounds.
On a more upbeat note to end….the Sainsbury
Laboratory won the RIBA Stirling Prize. It’s a beautiful quietly
modest building, so thank you to Arup for showing what building services design
can do. Cambridge, both University and Colleges, have usually been magnificently
enlightened clients with an eye to the long term. Now, back in London, Imperial
is mulling over its new Acton Site and UCL seems to have made an offer for half
of the East End. Will they take a leaf from the same book or , because it is
‘London’, can we expect 76-storey pieces of glass junk (innovative and iconic
of course) LEED Technetium, BREAM Mega, but like Manchester
University’s Maths Tower doomed pretty soon to end up unfit for
purpose and a pile of broken (shards of?) glass? Watch that space.
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