
Showing posts from 2014

Urban planting revisited and the Adaptive Cities special interest group

New guidance on urban planting shows how innovative solutions and collaborative working can be effective in mitigating the effects of climate change in our cities. CIBSE’s Immediate Past President, George Adams, discusses the Adaptive Cities special interest group which is currently being established and the latest guidance being issued by the Trees and Design Action Group. CIBSE is establishing a new Adaptive Cities special interest group and as part of this action we are now a firmly established member of the Trees and Design Action Group (TDAG) and contributed to the TDAG's latest publication Trees in Hard Landscapes: A Guide for Delivery ( freely available on their website). "Hardly a street could not be improved, if someone would give thought to planting the right trees in the right places… (in) new development there will be a chance for growing trees in areas almost treeless until now. This book describes various ways whereby trees can be used, at relat...

Given the importance of FMs in delivering energy efficiency, is it time for them to be Chartered?

I'd like to kick off 2014 looking at the role and importance of Facilities Management, particularly in dealing with the impacts of climate change. So I'm sharing an extract of an article I wrote on the subject, which originally appeared in FM Magazine We'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject, please do comment whether here or on LinkedIn. There's been fantastic debate taking place on social media in response to the blog subjects, thank you all for contributing. The built environment is hugely important to UK business and to our social requirements. Equally so are the essential reductions in carbon emissions required by the Government’s target of 80% within the next 36 years. Buildings affect people’s health, security, productivity and overall lifestyles. As they become increasingly complex and modern systems and operators become more focused on in-use performance levels, then building services engineers must play an important part in ensuring their efficient ...